The Discovery series offer traditional design, superior sound, a solid construction, and a wide range of variants. Combining these elements – plus a wealth of technical features and finesses – it gives our customers the possibility of acquiring a tailor-made Scan-Speak solution with very good performance at a reasonable low price point!
DIY Kits:
DISCOVERY-FOUR (R2604/833000, 18W/8535-01, 22W/8534G00, 26W/8534G00)
ScanSpeak Bookshelf-3WC (D2608/913000, 12W/8524G00, 22W/8534G00)
ScanSpeak Discovery-3WC-mkII (D2608/913000, 15W/8434G00, 22W/8534G00)
ScanSpeak Discovery 861 (D2608/913000, 18W/8434G00, 22W/8534G00)